hey, I'm Janvier 👋

I'm a passionate software developer, an eternal optimist, and an avid builder residing in the heart of Ottawa, Canada 🇨🇦. Born and raised in the beautiful landscapes of Burundi 🇧🇮, I carry the vibrant spirit of my homeland wherever I go, aiming to bridge cultures through technology. I thrive on innovation, constantly seeking out new challenges and technologies that can enhance our lives. My journey in technology is fueled by a deep desire to learn and grow, always pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As an active contributor to open-source projects, I believe in the power of collaboration and the open exchange of ideas to drive progress. Music, sports, and football, particularly my unwavering support for Arsenal FC, keep me energized and inspired. I see beauty in diversity, which is why my AI, Juwiragiye, is a reflection of my commitment to inclusivity. Developed to converse in Kirundi and other local languages, Juwiragiye is designed to spark creativity and inspire users across different cultures.

About me

🌍 Nationality: 🇧🇮 Burundi.

📍 Location: 🇨🇦 Canada.

🔭 Current project: Developing AI resources for the Kirundi language to enhance accessibility for native and non-native speakers.

🌱 Learning: Advanced AI techniques.

👯 Collaboration interests: Web and mobile application development projects.

🤔 Seeking assistance: Expertise in AI or native Kirundi speakers to collaborate.

💬 Expertise: Python programming.

📫 Contact: uwiragiyejanvi@gmail.com

😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His

⚡ Fun fact: I have 10 siblings, and I speak Kirundi, French, English, and Kinyarwanda fluently – I'm practically a walking United Nations!

Skills and Technologies

💻 Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Java, Dart, Swift, Typescript

🌐 Web Development: HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, React, Next.js, Remix

📱 Mobile Development: Swift, Flutter, SwiftUI

🗄️ Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL

🤖 Machine Learning Frameworks: PyTorch, fastai, Tensorflow

🛠️ Tools: Git, Docker, Github, Gitpod,GitHub Actions

Hobbies and Interests

⚽ Playing soccer and watching sports

🎧 Listening to music

📖 Reading about new and emerging technologies

✈️ Traveling and learning about new cultures


Here are some of the people who inspire me:

🇧🇮 Pierre Nkurunziza, former President of Burundi, known for his leadership and political impact.

👨‍💻 Andrej Karpathy, Director of AI at Tesla (2017-2022) and co-creator of the Convolutional Neural Network.

🎙️ Lex Fridman, AI researcher and host of the Lex Fridman Podcast

🚀 Jeremy Howard, founder of fast.ai and contributor to the development of PyTorch.

🧠 Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain and deeplearning.ai, and former VP of Baidu.

🤖 Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research at Facebook and co-creator of the Convolutional Neural Network.

💼 Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and former President of Y Combinator.

🌟 Fei-Fei Li, Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and founder of AI4ALL.

Goals and Aspirations

🚀 Continuously improve my skills and stay up-to-date with emerging technologies.

👥 Contribute to open-source projects and collaborate with like-minded individuals.

🛠️ Build innovative products that solve real-world problems.

🌟 Eventually start my own tech company and make a positive impact on society.